Varnishing wood: the customised finish for every project

Varnishing wood is an art that requires attention and expertise. Choosing the right finish can turn a simple object into a unique and durable piece. But what exactly is wood varnishing and what are the endless possibilities it offers? In this article we will explore the world of wood varnishing, enjoy your reading!


Wood varnishing is a process that consists of applying one or more coats of a protective and decorative product to a wooden surface. This operation serves to:

  • Protect wood from external aggressions such as moisture, UV rays and impacts
  • Enhancing aesthetics by enhancing the wood grain and imparting a uniform colour or creating special effects
  • Increase durability by creating a protective barrier that prevents the wood from deteriorating over time.

Wood Finishing: Definition of Quality

There are numerous types of wood finishes, each with specific characteristics to better enhance the final result of the wood and according to the intended use:

  • Impregnating agents that penetrate deep into the wood, protecting it from the inside and enhancing its natural beauty
  • Oils that nourish the wood, making it stronger and easier to clean
  • Paints that create a protective film on the surface, giving a smooth, glossy finish
  • Waxes that offer natural protection and a warm, matt effect

When choosing a wood finish, there are several aspects that are taken into consideration. At the basis is the greatest attention to the wood to be treated in order to safeguard all its characteristics:

  • Type of wood, depending on whether it is hard or soft wood, exotic or local
  • End use as indoor or outdoor furniture, flooring, decorative objects
  • Desired aesthetic effect natural, glossy, matt, coloured

Every object to be treated must therefore have a wood finish that at the same time preserves the material used and has an end result that reflects the desired design. Click here to discover the colours that are in trend for this 2024.

Choose the professionalism of Dandì

Varnishing wood is a delicate operation that requires experience and specific equipment. Relying on professionals like Dandì Italia will guarantee you:

  • A flawless result through the use of high-quality products and precise application techniques
  • Long-lasting thanks to applied finishes that will last, preserving the beauty of your wood
  • A personalised consultation with our experts will help you choose the most suitable finish for your needs

Want to find out more about wood painting? Click here and contact us now to request more information.